
Advances in Computational Biology

Otwock, Poland16-24 September 2023around 35
NGSchool2023: Advances in Computational Biology was held in-person, from the 16th to 24th of September 2023.
The topics covered during the Summer School included:
  • Single-cell data analysis
  • Whole genome sequencing
  • Epigenetics and epigenomics
  • Multi-modal data integration
  • Cancer evolution

Important dates

24.05Registration opensAdd to Google Calendar
21.06 5.07Registration deadlineAdd to Google Calendar
09.08Selection results announcementAdd to Google Calendar
19.08Fee payment deadlineAdd to Google Calendar
16-24.09NGSchoolAdd to Google Calendar

NGSchool2023 is here!


Registration form

The deadline to submit your application is 21.06.2023 5.07.2023 at 23:59 UTC. Selection results will be announced at the beginning of August. If you have any question or problems get in touch via email:

Registration fee

The registration fee for the selected participants is 100 EUR/460 PLN for academia and 300 EUR/1380 PLN for industry. This fully covers the costs of accommodation and board during the school.
We try to make our events accessible and affordable for all, and keep the registration fees to a minimum. However, we understand that in some circumstances covering the costs of participation in our event can still be challenging. We do not want the money to be a limiting factor in anyone’s participation, so we will provide financial support for a number of selected participants, primarily based on their socio-economic status. We can offer two types of support:

  • Travel grant to help you cover the cost of your travel to the event's venue.
  • Fee discount or waiver directed to those participants who cannot get the fee covered by their institutions.
Both types of support will be preferentially grated to participants from academia (students, PhD candidates and faculty stuff), but application from industry will be considered, too.
If you wish to be considered for travel grant, fee discount/waiver or both, make sure to fill the Bursary section of the application form, explaining your situation. We will try our best to help you.

Registration fee waiver for Ukrainian participants

NGSchool's mission is to promote and support science. We want to help by doing what we do best: supporting scientists. With this in mind, we are offering a fee waiver for accepted applicants from Ukraine or Ukrainians who were displaced as an effect of Russian aggression. Additionally, as in previous years, we will support participants with travel grants. Please mention your situation in the Bursary section of the registration form.

For participants applying from Russian institutions

NGSchool condemns the aggression against Ukraine in the strongest possible terms and stands in solidarity with our colleagues in Ukraine. Since Russian Universities publicly supported the war we are unable to accept participants affiliated with those institutions. However, we note that many Russian academics, at great personal peril, have publicly criticized this invasion. We would like to support all those harmed by Putin's regime and therefore extend our invitation to Russian academics and students provided they will come as individuals, without affiliation. We will not be able to accept payments for registration fees from Russian universities and companies and will not be able to provide receipts to those organizations.

More information

If you have any questions regarding NGSchool2023 please first refer to our FAQ page. If you cannot find an answer to your question there or need further explanation, you can reach us using contact form or our email address

Speakers and tutors

Helmholtz Center Munich
& Technical University of Munich, Germany
Aarhus University, Denmark
Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
Charité Universitätsmedizin, Germany
& German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany
Laboratory of Computational Modeling,
University of Trento, Italy
Wellcome Sanger Institute, United Kingdom
Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, USA


Book of Abstracts


NGSchool2023 took place in Glass Residence in Otwock, near Warsaw, Poland. You can see the map with all important locations here.


Sponsors and partners