NGSchool2025: Sequencing Toolbox for Computational Biologists will take place in Spring 2025 in Poland.
Its organization is once again supported by Visegrad Fund.
NGSchool Society aims to disseminate bioinformatics knowledge and skills necessary to perform state-of-the-art data analysis from sequencing experiments.
Our goal is to help advance research and industry sectors in this particular field, ensuring further progress of associated areas.
To achieve this goal, we have been organizing an annual summer school since 2016. We provide intensive training on theoretical concepts, hands-on workshops, as well as hackathons. This way, our summer school contributes to the development of participants and improvement of research excellence in their home institutions.
Find out moreOur mission is to train skilled bioinformticians to help advance the research and industry
We believe that extensive network of computational biologists will promote collaboration and enable faster scientific growth
We know how important the public engagement is, and that’s why we invest in promoting science
We intensify our actions in the V4+ region to help fortify bioinformatics and support still growing scientific communities
Everyone is welcome to participate! Prior experience in Bioinformatics is not necessary, but strong motivation is desired. Our community means everything to us, therefore our past contributors are warmly welcomed to all NGSchool events as guests.
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