Anamaria Elek


  • Events:
    NGSchool2018, NGSeminars2020, NGSymposium2020, NGSeminars2021, NGSprint2021, NGSchool2022, NGSymposium2022
  • Role:
    speaker, former organizer, participant
  • Affiliation:
    Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain
  • Contact email:

I’m a PhD student at Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, in the group of Arnau Sebé Pedrós. I am working on gene regulation and cell type evolution of early metazoans. On a day-to-day basis, this implies analyzing single cell transcriptomics and chromatin profiling data, with the focus on transcription factors, motifs and gene regulatory networks modeling.

I joined the NGSchool family as a master student attending the summer school in 2018, and this turned out to be one of the few events that defined my scientific path. I later joined the organizing team in 2020, with the wish to contribute in any way I can to the initiative that was important for me, so that it can be as amazing, helpful and inspiring for others as well.


Activity in NGSchool society